The ‘What’s Happening on North Street (WHONS) Community Centre’ has developed into a thriving community hub and undergoing an extension to develop the café and kitchen areas, which are the heart and soul of the centre. The ‘WHONS’ Founder and manager Geoff Etherton, requested a skill donor with video editing expertise. The Crewe and South Cheshire Business Connector introduced an experienced skill donor, Peter Ewan of Heelheadover Ltd who are a sound and video production company.
However, the skill donor went beyond the brief and offered to help create a storyboard and agreed to carry out the filming, voiceover recordings and all the editing resulting in a professional presentation. The videos will be used to support grant and bid applications to secure the centre’s future sustainability and to also help develop local community engagement.
“The videos are now finished and I have just heard from Geoff at North Street and he’s delighted with them. So much so that he’s holding a premiere evening at the centre to show them. One happy customer!” Peter Ewan, Heelheadover Ltd